
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to use Cortana in Windows mobile

1. Update you mobile OS from 8.0 to 8.1 using developers preview.
2. Change your keyboard,region,speech to United States English.
3. Now long press the search navigation key on your phone you can view cortana  

Some commands to interact with cortana

Cortana Questions?
Please switch on your LOCATION & INTERNET to experience full cortana.
To your cortana simply ask what can I say? It will give suggestions tap it and interact
Let’s start interaction with first command hi – cortana will reply 
  1. What’s your name?
  2. How are you doing?
  3. Where are you from?
  4.   How old are you?
  5.   Who created you?
  6.   What do you eat?
  7.   What do you look like?
  8. I hate you 
  9.  I love you 
  10.  Will you marry me?
11.  You are stupid

12.  You are smart

13.  What do you think about Microsoft?

14.  What do you think about Bill Gates?

15.  What do you think about apple?

16.  What do you think about Google?

17.  What do you think about android?

18.  What do you think about Xbox?

19.  What do you think about windows?

20.  What do you think about me?

21.  What is the best smart phone?

22.  Do you know siri?

23.  Which is better siri or you?

24.  Which is better windows or Mac?

25.  Which is better windows phone or iphone?

26.  Which is better Xbox or play station?

27.  Which is better Google or Bing?

28.  Tell me a joke.

29.  Tell me another joke.

30.  Sing me a song

31.  What is the meaning of life.

32.  I like you cortana

33.  Thank you cortana
34.  Remind me “your content”(or) Simply tell remind me cortana will collect rest of the things//
You can view the reminders or appointments by using the command “Launch Reminder”or “view reminder”// your appointments will be stored in your calendar.
a.       When I am calling xyz
b.      When I reach the place abc
c.       On month, day, tomorrow, day after tomorrow , time etc
35.  To open the applications
a.      Launch “application name”
b.      Open “application name”
36.  Music
a.      Play some songs,play
b.      Stop music
c.       Next track
d.      Previous track
e.       What song is playing
37.  To view the emails pronounce the mailbox name
38.   To make a call => say call “contact name” (or) make a call to “ contact name”
39.  To message => say text (or) sms (or) send sms (or) simply say sms cortana collects your message and contact it is similar for making a call
40.  You can order cortana to open all things inside the settings menu by using LAUNCH command
41.  To turn on Bluetooth,wifi,location,rotation lock simply say
a.       Turn on
                                                              i.      Bluetooth        
                                                            ii.      Wi-Fi
                                                          iii.      Location
                                                          iv.      Rotation lock
b.      Turn off
                                                              i.      Bluetooth        
                                                            ii.      Wi-Fi
                                                          iii.      Location
                                                          iv.      Rotation lock
42.  To know the weather
a.       Weather today
b.      Weather nearby
c.       Do i need an umberella
d.      Do i need a coat
e.       Does it raining today
f.       Weather forecast today
g.       Weather on “any country/province name”
h.      Will it rain tomorrow?
i.        Show me the next five day forecast
j.        Show me the yesterday forecast
k.      Will it be rain on “any day on a week or date”
43.  Conversion
a.       Convert 30 us dollers to Indian rupees(it works use it for worldwide converstion)
44.  Time
a.       Time on country name
45.  To search particular topic on Wikipedia
a.       Search Wikipedia “Search topic”
b.      Wikipedia article of the day
c.       Launch Wikipedia
d.      Wikipedia random article
e.       Wikipedia topics around me
46.  Using the location settings (without it cortana will not work) you can find nearby
a.       Find me nearby hotels,hostels,airport,busstop,fuelstations,lodges,etc